Monday, March 21, 2011

Maybe I'm just that raw.

Sitting at my desk, bored at work. What's new though? Besides receiving/sending faxes, making folders, and answering the phones, I mainly just sit here and stare at the computer screen. I grow more lame as the days go by. To pass the time, I've been reading Stieg Larsson's novel The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, which is an amazing and refreshing piece of work. One of the most exciting books I've read, and I've read a lot of books.

So continuing on with this 30 day picture thing, here's today's:

Day 02: a picture of you and the person you have been close with the longest.

This is one of my favorite pictures with my friend, Allison. We've known each other since we were 13 years old. I could tell her anything and she would never judge me, and vice versa. We used to talk on the phone all night until we fell asleep, have sleepovers, and cry about all the boys that broke our hearts in junior high. We did everything together, and always told each other that we would be in each other's weddings and our kids would be best friends, just like we were. It was just like every other friendship between girls. One year in high school, our junior year, we had a fall-out. We had gotten into a fight, and said things that were not easily forgotten. We didn't talk for months. Those months were some of the loneliest months of my life. For years, I had had someone that I could tell everything to, and all of a sudden, I didn't have anybody. We started talking again, but it wasn't the same. We still talk and try to hang out as much as we can, but staying in touch throughout college is easier said than done. And she's engaged to this guy who is more perfect for her than I could have imagined, so that makes it hard to stay in touch, too. I still consider her my best friend, despite all that we have been through and what has been going on lately.

Here's a song that we used to be obsessed with and would play every time we were together! It's one of those goofy songs that make me smile every time I hear it.

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